Фонд «Сколково» будет сотрудничать с АТЭС
The agreement provides for joint development of Russian initiatives in technology transfer, food security, eco-cities, transport and logistics. The Skolkovo Foundation will also take part in the CEO Summit and the “Russia: One Step Closer Together” exhibition, which will be held during the APEC summit in Vladivostok in September 2012.
Vekselberg has called the agreement an important step in the development of the foundation’s international relations in the Asia-Pacific region. “The presidency of our country in APEC in 2012 is a rare opportunity for Russian companies to effectively strengthen their presence in the region, and we see great potential here for innovative Russian companies,” he said.
Magomedov said that the Foundation has unique competencies related to cooperation in innovation. “Together with our international partners, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Foundation will participate in the development of proposals that are relevant not only for Russia, but for the entire Asia-Pacific region,” he said.

Russia’s National Business Center (NBC) for APEC was established in 2011 to represent the interests of Russian business in the Asia-Pacific region. The Chairman of the Advisory Council of the NBC is Arkady Dvorkovich, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation.
The ABAC is the key working body of the forum and the body through which APEC interacts with APEC’s business community. The ABAC’s main objective is to develop proposals to create an enabling environment for trade and investment in APEC, as well as prepare recommendations of the business community to the leaders of the APEC member economies.
21 economies of the Asia-Pacific region, including the U.S., Russia, Taiwan and Hong Kong, participate in APEC. The aim of APEC is to promote the prosperity of the region—to promote economic growth, education, etc., while strengthening cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. The member countries of APEC are home to about 40% of the world’s population and account for approximately 54% of global GDP. Russia has been a member since 1998.
About the Skolkovo Foundation

The Skolkovo Foundation — the principal agency responsible for Skolkovo Innovation Center, a scientific and technological center for developing and commercializing advanced technologies — is a nonprofit organization founded at the initiative of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in September 2010. The purpose of the fund is to mobilize Russia’s resources in the field of modern applied research and create a favorable environment for scientific research in five priority areas of technological development: energy, energy efficiency, space, biomedical, nuclear and computer technologies. The project envisions the creation of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (SkolkovoTech), research institutes, a business incubator, a technology transfer and commercialization center, offices of foreign companies and R&D-centers, residential facilities and social infrastructure. There are plans to eventually extend an effective regime to other innovative regions of Russia. The activities of the Skolkovo Center are regulated by a special law which gives its residents special economic conditions (See www.i-gorod.com).
Press Office of the Skolkovo Foundation
Roman Shcherbakov
Tel.: +7 (495) 967-01-48 , ext. 2260
Fax: +7 (495) 967-01-96
Email: RSherbakov@corp.i-gorod.com