«Группа «Сумма» поддержит уникальный проект по реконструкции Дома Петра Первого в Нидерландах

29 november 2012
Summa Group will support a unique project aimed at preserving cultural and historic heritage of Russia in the Netherlands – reconstruction of the Museum House of Tsar Peter the Great in Zaandam. The museum will close for the works and will reopen in March 2013.

Zaans Museum directorFokelien Renckens: “The House of Tsar Peter the Great in Zaandam has always been one of the main symbols of the long-standing Russian-Dutch cooperation. We find it very important that this project is supported by a Russian company, and are thankful to Summa Group and its Chairman Mr. Magomedov for the help that made restoration possible.”

“Cultural ties between Russia and the Netherlands are several hundred years old, and we appreciate an opportunity to develop them,” – says Chairman of the Board of Directors of Summa Group Ziyavudin Magomedov.

Dutch companies Hooyschuur Architects BNA, Bouwintentie and Somass BV will participate in the restoration.


The House was built in 1632. In 1697 the Russian Tsar Peter the Great lived there while studying shipbuilding. In 1818, it was presented by the King of the Netherlands William I to Anna Romanova. Later, there was a stone cover built around the House and it was made a museum.

In 2011, together with its partner VTTI, Summa Group was selected to construct and operate a new oil terminal in the Port of Rotterdam. The construction is to start in 2013, and the official opening of the terminal is to take place in 2015.