ОАО ЯТЭК начало строительство стадиона на 1000 мест в поселке Кысыл-Сыр

The stadium is being constructed by the Yakutsk Fuel and Energy Company OJSC (member of Summa Group Oil and Gas Block) within preparing for jubilee celebrations in Kysyl-Syr village of the Vilyui Region. The company has provided financing, workers and equipment to organize these celebrations.
Not much time is left before the jubilee celebrations dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the gas extracting Kysyl-Syr village which are planned on the first Sunday of September, 2011.
As of July 8, stadium construction works proceed at full speed, Igor Demidov, Director of YATEC, said. 7 double-shifting units of equipment are involved.
“The construction site has enough of materials, cement, road metal, timber, fittings, nails, have been brought in the necessary quantity. Completion date is scheduled on the end of August, and I am sure that the work will be finished in due time”, Igor Demidov remarked.
Currently, oversite excavation has been completed and workers have started football field drainage excavation. 1,026-seat grandstand base has been put. It is made of the Yakut larch tree half-timber, and according to the technology, the side of the half-timber which will be in contact with the ground, has been processed by hot bitumen to protect the base from destruction.
“The stadium will become the center of the village sport life for several decades”, Igor Demidov said.
Not much time is left before the jubilee celebrations dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the gas extracting Kysyl-Syr village which are planned on the first Sunday of September, 2011.
As of July 8, stadium construction works proceed at full speed, Igor Demidov, Director of YATEC, said. 7 double-shifting units of equipment are involved.
“The construction site has enough of materials, cement, road metal, timber, fittings, nails, have been brought in the necessary quantity. Completion date is scheduled on the end of August, and I am sure that the work will be finished in due time”, Igor Demidov remarked.
Currently, oversite excavation has been completed and workers have started football field drainage excavation. 1,026-seat grandstand base has been put. It is made of the Yakut larch tree half-timber, and according to the technology, the side of the half-timber which will be in contact with the ground, has been processed by hot bitumen to protect the base from destruction.
“The stadium will become the center of the village sport life for several decades”, Igor Demidov said.