Группа «Сумма» и фонд «ПЕРИ» создают музей Петра I в Дербенте

11 july 2014
Summa Group and PERI Charitable Foundation of Ziyavudin Magomedov have begun works on creating Peter the Great Museum in Derbent as part of the preparations for the city's 2000 year anniversary. The investment amount, according to preliminary calculations, will total about RUB 100 million. The area that will house the exhibits is more than 1,500 square meters.
The main exhibit of the museum will be the reconstructed pavilion-colonnade, built in the 19th century over the dugout where Peter the Great stayed during the Persian campaign. According to historical records, two cannons were placed in front of the pavilion, and the structure was monitored by guards around the clock. A plaque that read "Peter the Great's First Place of Relaxation" hung over the entrance to the pavilion.
During the Soviet years, the historical object was lost and has only been re-discovered recently. As it turned out, the pavilion-colonnade was converted into a house where ordinary residents of Derbent lived for a period of about 80 years.
The reconstruction of the pavilion-colonnade is currently in progress, and archeological digs that will unveil what kind of historical artifacts might be buried underneath the pavilion will be conducted, as well.
A monument to Peter the Great, a fountain and a building with items from Peter the Great's era will also serve as museum exhibits. The PERI Foundation developed the concept for the project and will be putting the exhibition together, as well. Earlier, in 2012, Summa Group financed the reconstruction of a house in Zaandam (the Netherlands) where Peter the Great lived while he studied shipbuilding. In 2013, Summa Group helped to transport a copy of the house in Zaandam to the Moscow Kolomenskoye Museum as part of the Russia-Netherlands Bilateral Year.