"Стройновация" выиграла конкурс на строительство двух участков автомобильной дороги P-215 Астрахань-Махачкала стоимостью 7,148 млрд руб.

20 january 2014
"Стройновация" выиграла конкурс на строительство двух участков автомобильной дороги P-215 Астрахань-Махачкала стоимостью 7,148 млрд руб.
Stroynovatsiya has won a competitive tender and signed a contract for the construction of two segments of Route P-215 linking Astrakhan, Kotchoubey, Kizlyar and Makhachkala, passing through the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia. The contract is worth just under RUB 7.148 billion. The customer is the North Caucasus Highway Administration of the Federal Road Agency. 

The project envisages the construction of two segments of the road from the border of the Astrakhan Region to the border with Dagestan within the Republic of Kalmykia, measuring about 94 km. At the junction with the highway linking Ulan-Khol and Lagan, there are plans to build two interchanges with overpasses. Completion is targeted for late 2017. 

Currently, the company is starting to work on the preparation of the construction site: restoring and staking out the route, building a temporary bypass where the highway runs along the existing road, utility relocation and dismantling the existing road structures.
The construction of the new segments of Route P-215 linking Astrakhan, Kotchoubey, Kizlyar and Makhachkala will solve a number of problems. First, the new segment will make it possible to halve the length of the route in the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia. Secondly, the movement of transit traffic will bypass population centers, which will improve the living environment.
Stroynovatsiya is currently preparing for the construction of the Central Ring Road of the Moscow Region, is reconstructing Route M-29 (Caucasus Highway) and Route M-8 (Holmogry Highway), and is building an interchange on a segment of Sukhumiyskoe Highway in Novorossiysk.