Энергетики ОАО «Якутская топливно-энергетическая компания» за надежность энергообеспечения поселка Кысыл-Сыр Вилюйского улуса

16 november 2012
Энергетики ОАО «Якутская топливно-энергетическая компания» за надежность энергообеспечения поселка Кысыл-Сыр Вилюйского улуса

The division of the Yakutsk Fuel and Energy Company, OJSC that is in charge of servicing and repairing electrical networks has been working in the village of Kysyl-Syr in the Vilyui khanate to repair the overhead power lines and transformer substations.

The Yakutsk Fuel and Energy Companyis responsible for the upkeep, maintenance, and repair of the electrical networks and transformer substations in in the village of Kysyl-Syr in the Vilyui khanate.

According to Valery Babichev, the head of YATEK, OJSC\\\'s central engineering and technical service, previously almost all of the village\\\'s overhead power lines were nearing the end of their service life. The power supply was unsatisfactory, but now, after finishing this work, it has greatly improved. The losses in the electrical networks have decreased. "As of today the scheduled work has been completed to improve the supply of electricity to consumers: the VL-0.4 kW towers have been replaced along Babenko, Vostochnaya, and Entuziastov streets, and new VL-6 kW towers have been installed along the Tserkov line. At the same time the transformer substations were fully replaced within the Bolnitsa and Kotelnaya distribution grids," said Valery Babichev.

In addition to replacing the towers, work was done to tighten the wires in the overhead lines. There are plans to move the transformer substations to the electric load center and to replace power transformers with transformers that have optimal capacity.