ОАО «Якутская топливно-энергетическая компания» принимает студентов-практикантов

Commenting on the significance of the internship program, Personnel Director Nina Kulakova said that Yatec’s personnel policy is aimed at attracting skilled workers. “The internship program allows us to evaluate the students in order to determine which ones we would like to hire,” she said.
A total of 19 students in the oil and gas field from Ammosov Northeastern Federal University (NEFU), including its Mirny branch, have completed the internship program.
In addition, a group of 11 biogeography students from NEFU toured the company’s plants in order to study the natural environment and economic activity of Western Yakutia. At Yatec’s facilities, the students learned about the technical process of producing gas and moving it through a pipeline, and got a firsthand look at the technology that is used to produce motor fuel from gas condensate.
Being one of the region’s ten largest companies, Yatec receives requests from a number of Russian higher educational institutions to organize internship programs for their students. Students studying industrial health and safety at Gubkin Oil and Gas University and students studying oil and gas well drilling at Tomsk Polytech have completed internship programs at Yatec facilities.